Engineering and environmental technology

Initial condition report



Initial condition report

The EU directive on industrial emissions aims to protect soil and groundwater. Operators of IPPC installations that use, generate or release relevant hazardous substances must prepare a report that quantifies the baseline status of soil and groundwater on the installation site.

Our services

  • Creation of an inventory of substances and mixtures of relevant hazardous substances
  • Delimitation of the spatial reference area
  • Acquisition and incorporation of existing information on the subsoil
  • Systematic assessment of site-specific pollution possibility
  • Optional: measurement and investigation strategy
  • Reporting

VUM does not carry out any independent investigations into the subsoil, such as groundwater measurements and geological investigations. Depending on the existing documents on the condition of the subsoil, it may therefore be necessary to consult a competent technical office. In each individual case, an agreement on the provision of services is necessary in advance.