Landscape, space & nature

Remote sensing



Remote sensing

VUM has drones that are used to support environmental and project management activities. The core competencies of VUM include remote sensing (photogrammetry and surveying), fact finding documentation and the creation of high-resolution photos.

Our services

  • Remote sensing:
    • Photogrammetry (orthophoto tracking, elevation models, point clouds, 3D models)
    • Surveying (volume calculations, documentation of forestry measures)
    • Documentation of construction site progress (time-lapse analysis, support for construction site inspection)
  • Fact finding documentation:
    • Inspection of transmission lines, transmission towers, dams or substations (overhead wire markers, condition assessment, safety checks, inventories)
    • Environmental/vegetation monitoring (documentation of crop damage, archaeological finds, construction sites)
  • Support for project-related public relations: film and photo shoots (film brochures, press material, illustrations, panoramas)