Landscape, space & nature

Feasibility studies



Feasibility studies

We check possible project locations and routes as well as technical variants with regard to their environmental compatibility, approvability and acceptance. These investigations can have different degrees of detail that are to be defined in each individual case.

Our services

    • Determination of the scope of the investigation (spatial and factual) and the minimum or KO criteria with the client
    • Collection of basic data for the study area, such as
      • Legal prerequisites
      • Regional and local spatial planning requirements
        (spatial planning concepts, zoning envelope with building land categories, settlement boundaries, zoning plans, etc.)
      • Use and biotope mapping
      • Forest development plans
      • Tourism and recreation facilities
      • Protected area designations
      • Danger zones, flood stop lines
      • Water protection and sanctuaries
      • Technical infrastructures
      • Pedological and geological basics
      • Elevation and surface models
    • GIS-supported creation of base maps for the investigation area
    • Identification and assessment of foreseeable conflicts of use (spatial resistance study)
    • GIS-based visibility analysis
    • On-site inspection and mapping (use, biotopes, objects)
    • Identification of project risks and difficulties
    • Development of location and corridor alternatives (large and small-scale)
    • Determination of a preferred location / route / variant
    • Development of project-specific evaluation catalogues

In order for us to effectively provide our services, we need to closely cooperate with the client and their technical planning department, in particular to be able to take (technical) specifications / restrictions into account in the best possible way (e.g. distances with regard to sound and electromagnetic fields, statics, topography, requirements for access routes, etc.).