Projects and approval procedures

Management of permit requirements and measures



  1. Services
  2. Projects and approval procedures
  3. Management of permit requirements and measures

Management of permit requirements and measures

In many cases, builders encounter a large number of requirements that are prescribed in official permits, legal regulations as well as the own project documentation and that have to be adhered to. Compliance with all of these requirements is a key success criterion for the efficient implementation of construction projects.

All of the administrative requirements and environmentally important project components relevant to construction are recorded and their fulfillment is documented in terms of content and timing.

With the aim of ensuring that all requirements are met during construction works, VUM developed a proper database solution called “VUM-manage”.



Our services

  • Management and processing of the permit requirements database VUM-manage, which is used as a central tool for documenting compliance with all permit requirements over the entire construction period (if necessary also beyond)
  • Creation of a work program (specifications) in relation to supervisory bodies (organization, coordination, communication, reporting, tasks, methodology, authority)
  • Creation of measurement and monitoring programs
  • Support of the project team within the framework of the requirements management
  • Creation of reports (contents are automatically retrieved from the database)
  • Preparation of training documents
  • Preparation and processing of project data using geographic information systems (GIS)
  • Ongoing documentation of the fulfillment of individual requirements (reports and photo documentation)
  • Checking the implemented measures for their effectiveness on site
  • Plausibility check
  • Contact person for the EIA coordinator of the authority: Ongoing comparison of the compliance status, reporting to the authorities, support for the project management in conducting official information events
  • Ensuring communication between the supervisors on the side of the authorities and the project appplicant
  • Quality assurance in circulation management
  • Processing of project modifications (e.g. §18b project modification procedure according to UVP-G)
  • Preparation of official approvals and follow-up checks