Landscape, space & nature

Natural space management



Natural space management

For us natural area management is the planning, implementation and documentation of measures that are suitable for increasing the value of anthropogenically designed habitats in the long term. The central goals are to strengthen the ecological potential of such locations, to connect them with the environment and to open up additional forms of use.

Our services

  • • Planning of measures (e.g. dry grassland, forest edge design, extensive meadows, pasture return, wild grazing areas, nesting aids, maintenance of moors and fens, timber harvesting, neophyte management, bat trees and bat nesting aids, spawning biotopes, etc.) with the involvement of other experts if necessary
  • Ensuring the implementation of measures
  • Checking the effectiveness of measures taken (inspection, documentation, mapping, etc.)
  • Documentation of measures
  • Communication with landowners, authorities, nature conservation organizations, operations, etc. in coordination with the client
  • Creation of information and training documents
  • Support with general communication measures